自君子兰(Clicia miniata)在软腐病病株的叶片上,以无菌操作分离到两株致病菌.经鉴定为使植物致病的已知几个细菌属之外的种,其中一株为链球菌属的一个新种——君子兰链球菌(Streptococcus miniatus Zhou,ping et Shaosp.nov.)另一株为环状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus circulans).对此二菌株的侵染途径与致病规律做了研究,对此二菌株又做了不同浓度的多种药物的敏感试验,同时还做了大量的综合防治本病措施的探讨.研究结果表明,定期喷洒0.05%的百菌清、0.5%的新洁尔灭、减少昆虫叮咬等可预防本病的发生。用0.1—0.2%的百菌清与1%的新洁尔灭局部喷洒数次可治疗患株,特重者可以剪掉病灶,并及时隔离,可以取得显效.
Two strais of pathogenic bacteria were isolated with aseptic manipulation from the foci of soft rot in scarlet kafirlily leaf. It was found after the identification that one was a new species of genus Streptococcus, Streptococcus miniatux Zhou Ping et al Shao sp. nov. ,another was Bacillus circulans and both were not part of any species of the several known bacerial gena infecting plants. The infection way,the pathogenic law and the sensitivity of them to some drugs at differentcon centrations as well as the synthetic measures about the prevention and cure of this disease were studied in the laboratouy and in the greenhouse respectively. The results showed that periodically spraying 0. 05% Daconil 2787 W-75 and 0. 5% bromo -greeamium and avoiding the bites of insects could prevent the disease,and that spraying 0.1 - 0.2% Daconil 2787 W - 75 and l%bromo - geramium on the foci for several times could cure the infected plants and that cutting the seriously infected leaves and keeping apart the disease plants without delay could achieve a good effect.
Scarlet kafirlily soft rot Streptococcus miniatus Bacillus circulans