非正规组织就业是与近期国家就业政策和市场现状相适应的一种就业新形式 ,它以发展部分就业、自我雇佣和临时就业为代表 ,可以修复传统劳动力市场劳动时间、雇佣关系和工资僵化的缺陷 ,有效地提高了劳动就业水平 ,并充分发挥了工资的调节作用 ,有利于提高劳动力市场的运行效率。
Non mainstream employment is considered as a kind of new employment practice compatible with the recent national employment policy and the current labor market. It is characterized by the development of partial employment, self employment and short term employment. It is capable of remedying the defects of the traditional labor market in terms of the range of employment length, employee employer relationship and wage stagnation, effectively expanding employment, fully exercising the regulative mechanisms of wage, and facilitating the increase of operational efficiency of the labor market.\;
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)