通过对草坪6个地点分别采用照度计法和分光光度法进行的颜色测定,结果表明,草坪光反射率(x;%)和叶绿素含量(y;mg g)之间存在着极显著的负相关性,经统计分析得出叶绿素含量在光反射率上的直线回归方程为y=6 46-0 97x,r =-0 9785。用反射率平均变异系数(5 63)和叶绿素含量平均变异数(6 49)比较可知,照度计法与分光光度法相比,不但具有简便、快速的特点,而且还具有较高的精确性。
At six positions on the lawn turf color was measured using the luminometer method and the fractionating light photometer method Lawn light reflectivity (x: %) and chlorophyll content (y: mg/g) showed a very marked negative relationship, statistical analysis giving a linear regression equation of y=646-097x, r**=-0978 5 Through comparing the average coefficient of variation of light reflectivity (563) with the average coefficient of variation of chlorophyll content (649), it can be seen that compared with the fractionating light photometer method, the luminometer method is not only simple and quick, but is also more accurate
Pratacultural Science