目的: 研究气孔率对牙用玻璃陶瓷力学性质的影响。方法:采用自动图像处理仪分析气孔,测量牙用玻璃陶瓷的弹性模量、弯曲强度、显微硬度及断裂韧性。结果:气泡组的弹性模量与强度随气孔率增加而呈线性降低,压痕法不适合研究气孔率与显微硬度及断裂韧性的关系。结论:气孔是影响牙用玻璃陶瓷力学性质的主要结构缺陷之一。
Objective: To investigate the effect of porosity on the mechanical properties of dental glass-ceramic. Methods:The porosity of dental glass ceramic was analysed by image manipulation device. The control group was free of pore. Themechanical properties were measured, including flexural strength, elastic modulus, hardness and fracture toughness. Results:The flexural strength and elastic modulus of experimental groups were significantly lower than those of the control group.The mechanical properties decreased linearly with the increase of porosity. The indentation technique was unfit forinvestigating the relationship between porosity and hardness & fracture toughness. Conclusion: Pore was importantfactor affecting the mechanical properties of dental glass ceramic.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics