公平分配问题是建立在特定的经济基础之上 ,受特定社会经济制度制约的。邓小平关于社会主义初级阶段公平分配问题提出不少政策主张。共同富裕是其理论的社会目标 ;以按劳分配为主体 ,多种分配方式并存是其理论的基础 ;公平与效率的统一是其理论的政策目标 ,并提出“效率优先 ,兼顾公平”的分配原则。
The issue of fair distribution comes out of the specific economic basis and is conditioned by certain social economic system. DENG Xiao-ping put forward quite some policy opinions on the issue of fair distribution in the primary stage of socialism. Common wealth is the social goal of his theories, whose basis is distribution according to work and the co-existence of multi-mode in distribution. The theoretical goal of his policies is the unity of being fair and being high efficiency. He also put forward the distribution principle of 'Efficiency first, giving attention to being fair.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition