制作多媒体课件时,菜单响应(下拉式菜单、弹出式菜单)是一种常用的交互方式。其中下拉式一级菜单可用Au-thorware的“菜单响应”功能方便制作完成。下拉式二级菜单及弹出式菜单如采用Authorware中的各种响应功能制作,则相当繁复,而利用Control u32 for Authorware这个UCD函数(文件名为tMsControls.u32),则较为简捷。
The response to menu (Pull-down Menu, Pop-up Menu) is a common way of interaction in doing multi-media courseware. The Frist-degree Pull-down Menu can be easily maken by the function of the response to menu. Using various response function in Authorware must be very complex in doing the Second-degree Pull-down Menu and Pop-up Menu, while it may be forthright to use the UCD function whose name is tMsControls. u32.
Journal of Huaiyin Institute of Technology