

A SWOT-based Analysis of the Afforestation-oriented Land Leasing in Suburban Areas of Huainan City, Anhui Province
摘要 采用SWOT分析法,对安徽省淮南市城郊租地造林的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行分析发现,安徽省淮南市毛集区租地造林具有地理交通、自然资源、经济发展和市场潜力优势,但存在租地成本居高不下、资金压力逐年递增,租地造林后续收益难保证、农民积极性受影响,租地生态环境相对恶劣、造林难度大和速度慢,缺乏租地造林法律依据和租用土地性质不明确等方面的劣势。租地造林也是地方生态文明建设创新、资源枯竭城市发展转型、当地农民经济收入增加和生活方式转变的巨大机遇,但土地保障不成熟、造林管理不完善,租地造林发展不平衡、资金难以及时到位,租地造林缺乏远景规划、造林资源难以满足市场需求,农民对租地造林理解不透、地方政府宣传力度不够,租地造林法律不明确、国家没有构建合理的法律法规。因此,安徽省淮南市毛集区租地造林是在探索中国城郊租地造林模式,是国家生态文明建设的创新之举;旨在为土地流转、新型城镇化寻找突破口,也是保证农民合理的意愿、土地补偿权益和社会保障,开展租地造林相关的法律法规实验、实践与完善,形成政府、农民和企业共同参与的租地造林系统生态工程。 As a means of collective land transference, the afforestation-oriented land leasing is both conducive to the rational use of urban land and an effective way to improve the urban ecological environment. With the help of the SWOT analys method, this paper analyzes Mao-ji, a district of Huainan city, Anhui province in its strengths and weaknesses and its opportunities and threats as well. Result shows that the afforestation-oriented land leasing in this district possesses both such advantages as excellent geographic position, convenient communication and transportation, rich natural resources, developing economy, potential market,etc. and such disadvantages as high leasing costs, increasing financial pressure, uncertain post-afforestation income, affected enthusiasm of farmers, relatively poor ecological environment of leased lands, great technological difficulties in afforestation, slow progress of afforestation, shortage of legal bases for afforestation-oriented land leasing,indefinitive use of the leased land, etc. Also, it is showed that the afforestation-oriented land leasing creates a great opportunity for the ecological civilization construction and innovation, the transformation of urban development, the increase of local farmers' income and the change of local people's lifestyle whereas it brings the local society problems, such as immature land security, incomplete afforestation management, imbalanced development of the afforestation-oriented land leasing, difficult fund rasing, lack of a long-term plan for the afforestation-oriented land leasing, too insufficient afforestation resources for market demand, farmers' failure in fully understanding the afforestation-oriented land leasing, local governments' failure in a full propaganda for the afforestation-oriented land leasing, and the current laws and regulations lacking of definiteness and clearness. It is concluded that what Mao-ji district, Huainan city, Anhui province is doing is both an exploration for a model of the afforestation-oriented land leasin
作者 李雨凌 吕杰
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第6期641-645,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目(201103001) "辽宁省特聘教授专项支持计划"专项
关键词 租地造林 SWOT分析 农村集体土地流转 生态文明建设 农民 afforestation-oriented land leasing SWOT-based analysis circulation of rural collective lands construction of ecological civilization farmer
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