

Power Struggle Between Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei in the Context of China's Policy toward Japan from 1935 to 1937
摘要 1935年8月至1937年12月,是蒋汪权力之争的重要时期。这场权力斗争,随着国民政府对日政策的变化而进行。在国民党五全大会确立"最后关头"的对日政策下,蒋介石出任行政院长并"躬负"党政重责于一身是必然的,汪精卫的离开也是必然的。出国"疗养"的汪精卫并不甘心,竭力寻找有利时机回国争权;汪精卫集团依据国内政局和对日关系的变化调整其回国时间。汪精卫虽然利用西安事变发生之机回国,但是在国民党五届二中全会已对"最后关头"作了解释的情况下不可能重任行政院长,只能"回任"中政会主席。他还企图出任国民党"党主席",并在七七事变发生后通过竭力主"和"夺取行政院长职位。蒋介石改组行政院并出任海陆空军大元帅,表面上推举汪精卫担任"党主席",实际上利用国民党元老对汪精卫的反对而先后成立国防委员会、国防最高会议,规定中政会暂停开会,以此剥夺汪精卫中政会主席之职。这样,这场蒋汪权力之争以汪精卫靠边站、蒋介石基本上实现独裁而画上了句号。 It was from August 1935 to December 1937 that a power struggle evolved between Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei.Generally speaking,this struggle developed with the change of the National Government’s policy toward Japan.When the fifth national congress of Kuomintang took the policy of'the Last Chance'toward Japan,it was necessary for Chiang Kai-shek to be premier to take the major responsibility upon himself,and for Wang Ching-wei to leave.Although Wang Ching-wei had to go abroad to'recuperate',he was unwilling to be left behind.He tried his best to go back to seize power and Wang Ching-wei faction arranged his return time according to the development of domestic political situation as well as China’s relations with Japan.Although Wang Ching-wei made use of the Xi’an Incident to go back to China,he could not return to the premiership in the context that the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of Kuomintang had already explained the policy of'the Last Chance',but to serve again as chairman of the Central Political Committee.He also tried to be'Party Chairman'of Kuomintang.When the July 7 th Incident happened,he said China could do nothing but make'peace'with Japan.In this way,he did his utmost to seize the post of premier.As for Chiang Kai-shek,he reformed the Executive Yuan and took up the post of Army,Navy and Air Force Marshal.Ostensibly he recommended Wang Ching-wei to be'Party Chairman'of Kuomintang,but actually he used Kuomintang’s senior statesmen’s rejection of Wang Ching-wei and established successively the National Defense Commission and the Supreme Defense Council.At the same time,the Central Political Committee was asked to adjourn and Wang Ching-wei was by this means deprived of the post of chairman of the Central Political Committee.In a word,Wang Ching-wei stepped aside and Chiang Kai-shek established his dictatorship in this power struggle.
作者 张皓 Zhang Hao
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期66-80,共15页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目"七七事变:日本发动全面侵华战争与中国开始全面抗战之研究"(17JHQ039)
关键词 蒋汪权力之争 行政院长 中政会主席 国民党“党主席” power struggle between Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei premier of the Executive Yuan chairman of the Central Political Committee 'Party Chairman'of Kuomintang
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