本文把数理方程研究中常用的嵌入定理稍作推广,应用到代数数域上来,并把[4]中第四章的定理4.2和[1,5]中的均值定理推广到代数数域上. 为此,先介绍一些符号与约定,基本上采自[2]. 设K为-n次代数数域,按通常的记号,记作n=r_1+2r_2.以Z_k表K中的整数环. 1.设为一理想,如α,β∈Z_k,|(α-β),则记α≡β(mod ).按此可把K中的整数分类,其类数为N.
In this paper we give a slight generalization of the imbedding theorem proved in [3]. And then we apply it to algebraic number fields, we obtaining a large sieve inequality. Finally we generalize to algebraic number fields the mean value theorem in [1] where with it we proved the Chen's theorem on Goldbaeh problem.
Acta Mathematica Sinica:Chinese Series