目的探讨带腓动脉干的小腿外侧皮瓣修复足部皮肤缺损手术方法及治疗效果。方法本组共33例(男25例,女8例),创面6.0cm×7.5cm^25.0cm×12.0cm。从小腿外侧切取带蒂皮瓣,无张力状况下旋转覆盖于受区,腓肠神经与足背皮神经吻合,皮瓣下置引流将创面缝合。结果 33例逆行腓动脉岛状皮瓣均成活,29例获得5~23个月的随访,修复足跟部及足底部的吻合皮神经的19例患者例中有17例于术后5~13个月感觉功能均有不同程度的恢复。结论逆行腓动脉岛状皮瓣修复足部皮肤缺损的成功率高,皮瓣不易破溃,皮下脂肪少,外形美观,是临床修复足部大面积皮肤缺损的一种良好手段。
Objective To explore the operative method and curative effect of the repair of skin defect on foot by ectocnemial skin flap with truncus of the peroneal artery. Methods Thirty-three patients were included(25 males, 8 females). Wound surface was 6.0cm×7.5cm to 25.0 cm×12.0cm. Cut out for the pedicled skin flap from ectocnemial. Rotating and covering on the recipient site at the status of the tension-free. Sural nerve and dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot were anastomosed. To place the catheter drainage under the skin flap, then suturing the wound surface. Results All ectocnemial skin flap with truncus of the peroneal artery(33 cases) had survived. 29 cases were followed up 5 to 23 months. In 19 cases with repairing cutaneous nerve anastomosis on heel of foot and sole of foot, 17 cases' sensory function were recovered at different degree in 5 to 13 months after operation. Conclusion Use ectocnemial skin flap with truncus of the peroneal artery to repair skin defect on foot with a high success rate, less subcutaneous fat and good appearance. It's an advantageous technique for repairing the large amount defect of foot skin in clinical.
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Materials and Clinical Study
Truncus of the peroneal artery
Ectocnemial skin flap
Skin defect on foot