
《孙子》治将思想及当代启迪 被引量:1

The Thinking Concerning Directing Military Generals in The Art of War and Its Enlightenment for the Contemporary Era
摘要 建设世界一流的强大军队,需要一大批高素质、会带兵、能打仗的高级将领。一部《孙子兵法》,既是用兵大法,也是治军治将的大法,孙子把"将"看作决定战争胜负的"五事"中的第四大因素、"七计"中的第二大因素,明确了将帅在建军治军、指挥作战、国家安全中的重大作用,提出了培养、选拔、任用将帅的一系列标准,强调将帅要德才兼备、智勇双全,具有高超的能力素质,是"智将""贤将""知兵之将",充分反映了孙子培养、选拔、任用将帅的远见卓识,形成了独特的孙子"将帅论",开我国军事学术史上将帅学的先声,对当代治将治军具有重要的借鉴启迪意义。 To build a world top-class powerful army, a group of high-ranking military generals and commanders with high quality that can direct the troops and are good at fighting are necessary. The Art of War is both a great book work useful for the employment of troop and a great book useful directing the army and the military generals and commanders. Sun Zi regarded the military generals and commanders as the fourth factors in the' five constant factors' that determine the victory or defeat of a war and the second factor in the' seven plans', which clarify the important function of the military generals and commanders in building and directing the army, commanding battles and national security. The Art of War put forward a series of standards concerning training, selecting and appointing military generals and emphasized that a military general or commander should have both ability and political integrity as well as being both brave and resourceful. A military general or commander should have superior ability and quality. He should be a wise general, a virtuous general and a general who is familiar with his troop. This fully shows Sun Zi's foresight and sagacity with respect to training, selecting and appointing military generals and commanders, thus forming Sun Zi's unique' theory of military generals and commanders', which created a precedent in China's military academic history of military generals and commanders, which has enlightenment significance for directing military generals and commanders and troops of the contemporary era.
作者 赵鲁杰
出处 《孙子研究》 2017年第5期28-37,共10页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 将帅国之辅 德才将之根 强军先强将 Military Generals and Commanders Are National Assistance Virtue and Ability Are the Foundation for Military Commander Strengthening Military Generals Before Strengthening Army
分类号 E892 [军事]
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  • 1吴如嵩主编..中国古代兵法精粹[M].北京:军事科学出版社,1988:734.










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