继电保护装置间断性频发异常问题 ,是继电保护安装调式、运行维护人员比较棘手的问题。应运用综合分析方法 ,根据装置异常现象的特点、装置运行性能、回路实际接线、系统故障情况 ,结合运行方式、负荷大小、运行操作情况、气候影响等多种因素 ,充分考虑每一条报警信息 ,判断异常问题的性质 ,来分清是装置本身还是装置外接回路的问题 ,最终加以解决。
The discontinuous frequent abnormal problems of relay protection is a difficult problem for operator and maintenance workers. A comprehensive analysis approach should be used with consideration of many factors, such as features of the abnormal phenomena, operation performance, actual connection of the circuit, system failure, operation mode, altitude of load, operation conditions and climate influence. Every alarm signal should be fully considered to judge the nature of the abnormal phenomena and distinguish it inside the device or outside circuit connected to the device. In this way the solution will be given finally.
Electric Power Construction