徐訏小说的宗教意识与哲学色彩交融。作者将作品中爱情故事布置于基督教义环境中 ,以文学的形式从哲学意义上展示和探讨了抽象与具体、彼岸与此岸、无限与有限等辩证问题 ,试图让人们在小说的情节中去领悟形而上之“道” ;在对精神本体的追求中 ,流溢着达观。
In his fiction,Xu Xu mingles Christian conseiousness w ith philosophic flavour.He arranges love affairs in such Christian environments as principal“original sins”,rescue of mundance afairs,repentance,fraternity,co mbination of gods & human beings.He approaches abstraction & concreteness,this & the other shore,limitation & unlimitation & other dialectical issues from a phi losophic perspective so as to let readers comprehend the metaphysical“role”wit h“God's words”and in their pursuit of the spiritual moumenon,express their phi losophic & fresh outlooks on life.
Journal of Guangdong Radio & Television University