邓小平提出在建设有中国特色社会主义过程中 ,既要抓物质文明建设 ,又要抓好精神文明的建设 ,要两手抓 ,两手都要硬。江泽民进一步发展了邓小平重视精神文明的思想 ,在坚持依法治国的同时 ,强调精神文明建设的重要作用 ,并把它提到治国方略的高度 ,明确提出要“以德治国”。“以德治国”既是邓小平理论的发展 ,也是对儒家传统德治思想的批判继承 。
The theory of ' Governing the Country by Morality' is put forward by Comrade Jiang Zemin, who further develops Deng Xiaoping's theory of emphasizing cultural and ideological progress while adhering to governing the country by law. It is not only a further development of Deng Xiaoping's Theory but a critical inheritance of the traditional Confucianist theory of ' rule of Virtue '. It is Comrade Jiang Zemin's new contribution to the theory of building socialism of China's characteristics.
Journal of Nanning Junior Teachers College