通过对半山燃机电厂9F级燃气轮机所用MARK VIe系统的分析,阐述了基于该系统的HMI操作界面的组态方式。提出并实现了对组态操作的优化设计,在机组运行中对优化后的结果进行了分析比对。在实现了优化界面的目标的同时,对于系统的进一步优化设计提供了有效的参考数据。
By analysis of MARK VIe control system with 9F Gas turbines in Huadian Banshan power plant,and explain the details of operator interface configuration mode the system based HMI of MARK Vie control system. The feasibility of optimization design for operator interface configuration has been put forward and implemented in this paper,and analysis this consequence after operation,to achieve the goal of optimizing the interface at the same time,reference data is effectived to further optimization design for system.