随着网络信息技术和产业的迅速普及 ,网络国际性、交互性的进一步加强 ,现有的著作权制度和著作权理论面临着前所未有的考验和挑战。事实证明 ,这一冲突能否得到妥善解决 ,对于我国信息产业的健康发展 ,及公民个人的安宁生活都至关重要。文章将结合有关法律法规及网络发展的现状 ,对网络作品著作权保护中亟待解决的司法管辖问题、复制权问题、侵权责任问题加以论述。
At network information technology and industry popularize rapidly, network international, the further enhancements of interaction, Existing copyright system and copyright theory face unprecedented test and challenge. The fact proves whether this conflict could get settlement properly , the sound development of the information industry of our country, And citizen's personal peaceful life is all essential. This text will combine the current situations of relevant laws and regulations and development of the network , At network works copyright in protecting urgently waiting to be solved administration of justices administer problem, duplicate , liability for tort problem expound the fact problem right.
Journal of Chaohu University