采用两系方法以培矮 6 4S作母本 ,9311作父本 ,培育的籼型杂交稻两优培九 ,作一季中稻栽培 ,在掌握栽培特性和肥水良好的条件下 ,大面积实收产量达 9.5~ 11.0t·ha-1,且不易倒伏。米质达国标优质米级 ,并抗白叶枯病和稻瘟病。高产群体指标为每公顷栽插 2 2 .5~ 2 7.0万穴。单株栽插 ,基本苗 75~ 12 0万个·ha-1,最高茎蘖数345 .0~ 375 .0万个·ha-1,有效穗 2 2 5 .0~ 2 5 5 .0万穗·ha-1,每穗总颖花 2 0 0个左右 ,结实率 83%~ 88% ,千粒重 2 6~2 7g。栽培技术为适时早播 ,早施分蘖肥 ,达到前期早发中期稳长。基面肥、分蘖肥与后期施氮量各占总施氮量的70 %和 30 % ,每公顷总用纯氮量 2 2 5~ 2 5 5kg。宜重视磷钾肥的施用 ,后期切忌早断水 ,应切实防治稻曲病。
Liangyoupeijiu' a hybrid rice bred by two-line method, could yield 10.5 t·ha -1 without logging when it is planted as single season rice with middle maturity. Main rice quality indices in Liangyoupeijiu are among the first or the second class according to the national standard of high quality rice. Liangyoupeijiu also showed good resistance to bacterial blight and rise blast. Its population norm for high yield production is: 225 000-270 000 hills·ha -1 with single plant per hole; 750 000-1 200 000 basic stems/tillers with 3 450 000-3 750 000 ones at the peak and 225 000- 2 700 000 bearing spiles·ha -1 at the last; about 200 spikelets per ear with 85% spikelet fertility; and 26-27 g of 1 000 kernel weight. The cultivation technology can be summarized as the followings: early sowing in the appropriate time and early manuring at the tillering stage in order to get quick and stable development at the early stage; heavy manuring at heading and grain-filling stage; 225-255 kg·ha -1 of pure nitrogen application in total, with 70% at the early stage and 30% at the late. Attentions should be paid to apply some phosphate and potash fertilizers and to avoid stopping irrigation too early.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
国家"8 63"计划