对海南岛 2 43个土壤剖面 ,按中国土壤系统分类体系 ,逐一进行鉴别、检索、分类定名 ;并讨论归纳出地形 -母岩 (母质 )单元与土壤系统分类类型的对应关系 ;然后 ,根据对应关系试拟按土壤系统分类的全岛土壤图的制图单元 (土壤部分 ) ,编绘选择地段的土壤草图 ( 1∶5 0万 )。全岛共设有 5 0个制图单元 (土壤部分 )。结果表明 ,用本研究中的方法步骤编绘按土壤系统分类的土壤草图 ,比单纯用已有按发生分类的土壤图直接进行两个系统间土壤名称更换 ,更具有客观性和可操作性。
soil profiles in Hainan Island were identified and classified according to Key to Chinese Soi Taxonomy (3rd edition),and the relation between topographic-lithologic units and soil taxonomic taxa was discussed. Then,based on the summarized correlation between units and taxa,the tentative draft on soil mapping units of Hainan Island according to Chinese Soil Taxonomy was drawn up and the sketch maps of soils on some selected plots were made. The total of mapping units to be set up are fifty throughout the Island.It was found that the procedure used in this study to compile the soil map with Chinese Soil Taxonomy system is easier to operate and more objective than the procedure which simply changed soil type name on the former soil map with Soil Genetic Classification system.
Acta Pedologica Sinica
中国科学院特别支持项目 ( 90科计发字 0 85 4号 )
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (批准号 :4983 1 0 0 4)的部分研究结果