BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE:Histone deacetylase(HDAC)shows a hig h expression in many cance r cells and the inhibitor of HDAC1,trichostatin A(TSA),can inhibit the g rowth of cancer cel ls.Hypoxia is a common feature of malig nant tumors.This pa per was desig ned to investig ate the expression of HDAC1of A549cell stra ins in hypoxia condition and the effe ct of TSA on their proliferation and apopt osis.METHODS :The authors desig ned 1normoxia g roup(control g roup)and 5hypoxia g roups (test g roups ):hypoxia 6h g roup(A),TSA +hypoxia 6h(B),hypoxia 12h g roup(C),hypoxia 24h g roup(D),TSA +hypoxia 24h(E),hypoxia 48h g roup(F).The expression of HDAC1in A549cells was examined usin g Western blot analysis.Proliferat ion,the apoptotic rates of A549cells and the effect of TSA on them were determi ned using MTT method,immunohistochemi stry,TUNEL method,and flow cytomet ry.The expression of mRNA of HDAC1and th e effect of TSA on it were determined using reverse transcription-polym erase chain reaction(RT-PCR).RESULTS :The A values expressed by HDAC1in A549cel l strains were 138±11in the control g roup,78±4,86±5,124±3,and 120±9i n test g roups A,C,D,and F,respectively.The A values of HDAC1mRNA versus the A values of β-Atin mRNA were 0.68±0.03in the control g roup,0.46±0.03,0.45±0.02,0.70±0.03,and 0.33±0.02in test g roups A,C,D,a nd F,respectively.The A values of the expression of PCNA in A549cell st rains were 0.13±0.03in the control g roup,0.10±0.02,0.11±0.02,0.16±0.02,and 0.11±0.03in test g roups A,B,D,and E,respectively.The A values of MTT in A549cell strains wer e0.50±0.06in the control g roup,0.41±0.04,0.45±0.03,0.59±0.02,and0.45±0.03in test g roups A,B,D,and E ,respectively.The A values of positive cells of apoptosis in A549c ell strains were 0.16±0.04in the con trol g roup,0.18±0.02,0.18±0.05,0.20±0.05,and 0.23±0.05in test g roups A,B,D,and E,respectively.The apop totic rates in A549cells were 1.11%i n the control g roup,18.91%,14.30%,36.99%,and 51.92%in test g r oups A,B,D,and E,respecti
Chinese Journal of Cancer