为了解云南省贫困救助资金的筹集和使用的情况 ,为政府决策提供科学依据 ,按照分层整群随机抽样的方法 ,抽取县级调研单位 14个 ,利用 2 0 0 0年财务报表 ,调查实际开展贫困救助的项目、数量、经费的筹集与使用情况。 2 0 0 0年共有 790 6名特困家庭妇女和儿童得到救助 ,由于贫困救助资金筹集不足 ,支出大于筹集金额 ,限制了妇幼保健事业的发展。
To know the raising and usage situation of poverty help fund of Yunnan province and provide science basement for government decision , according to isolated layer ,whole group random sample method, derive 14 county research unit, using 2000 finance table, to investigate the quantity ,fund raising and usage situation of poverty help item developed in fact.There were 7906 women and children of poverty family had been helped in 2000,the development of MCH cause had been limited because fund raised inadequately ,the payout was greater than the income .
Maternal and Child Health Care of China