本文研究萘甲异喹(NI)的抗过敏作用。NI(10mg/kg,ip)抑制大鼠被动皮肤过敏反应。NI10^(-6)M、3×10^(-6)M 和10^(-5)M 抑制离体豚鼠回肠的过敏性收缩反应,抑制率分别为43%、63%和84%。NI 3×10^(-6)M 和10^(-5)M 抑制由 SRS-A 引起的离体豚鼠回肠收缩,抑制率分别为39%和66%。NI 能以浓度依赖方式对抗组胺、乙酰胆碱和 5-羟色胺所致的离体豚鼠回肠收缩,其抑制最大收缩的 IC_(50)值分别为1.1×10^(-5)M、1.3×10^(-5)M 和2.8×10^(-6)M。结果提示 NI 是一种过敏介质拮抗剂,对过敏反应有一定对抗作用。
The anti-allergic action of Naphthylmethyl Isoquinoline(NI) is studiedin this report.NI (10mg/kg ip) inhibits rat passive cutaneous anaphy-laxis(PCA).The Schultz Dale reaction of the isolated guinea pig's ileum isinhibited by 10^(-6)M,3×10^(-6)M and 10^(-5)M NI;the inhibition rates are 43%,63% and 84% respectively.NI(3×10^(-6)M and 10^(-5)M) restrains the contractionof the isolated guinea pig's ileum induced by SRS-A,the rates of which are39% and 66%.NI can antagonize the contraction of the isolated guinea pig'sileum induced by histamine,Ach and 5-HT in a concentration dependentfashion,the IC_(50) values of inhibiting maximal contraction are 1.1×10^(-5)M,1.3×10^(-5)M and 2.8×10^(-6)M respectively.These results indicate that NI is an antagonist of anaphylactic mediumand can counteract anaphylaxis.
ACTA Academiae Medicinae Nantong
naphthylmethyl isoquinoline
passive cutaneous anaphylaxis(PCA)
Sehultz-Dale reaetion
guinea pig's ileum
anaphylactic medium