HCG粗品(10Iu/mg)经乙醇抽提,Sephadex G-100和SE-Sephadex C-50凝胶过滤后,纯化了800倍,免疫活性达8370Iu/mg。经SDS-PAGE鉴定HCG的两亚基分子量分别为17000和32000.用纯化的HCG制备具有较高滴度的抗HCG抗血清.通过软琼脂培养法观察了HCG诱导小鼠脾细胞产生CSFs的影响,结果表明HCG浓度为400Iu/mg时,诱导效应最大,时间依赖曲线以72小时的CSFs活力最高.HCG的诱导作用可以被抗HCG抗血清完全中和.
The purification of crude HCG (101u/mg) was involved with ethanol fractionation and gel filtration on sephadex C-100 and SE-sephadex C-50. The preparation was purified 800-fold and was assayed immunologically at 8730Iu/ mg. The molecular weight of HCG subunits of 17,000 and 30,000 was determined by SDS-PAGE. In addition we succeeded in producing anti-HCG serum which had high titre assayed by immunodifussion. HCG can stimulate the spleen cell (B lymphocyte) of mice to secrete colony stimulating factor (CSFs) with dose dependent and time depedent fashion. The dose-dependent response curve shows that the amount of CSFs is the highest when HCG dose is 200-400Iu /ml. The time-dependent response curve shows that the most effective activity of CSFs is after 72 hours. The induction of-CSFs by HCG can be neutralized by anti-HCG serum in vitro formation of colonies from spleen cells in soft agar culture.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)