1Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. General Comments or Recommendations Adopted by United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies [M]. Vol. Ⅳ. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Lund 1998). 被引量:1
2[6]American Bar Association, Commission on Domestic Violence. The Impact of Domestic Violence on Your Legal Practice[R] (American Bar Association, 1996). 被引量:1
3[14][22]Gill Hague and Ellen Malos. Domestic Violence: Action for Change[M] (New Clarion Press, 1998). 被引量:1
4Domestic Violence: Break the Chain [R]. published by the Home Office in collaboration with the Crown Prosecution Service and others (Jan. 1999). 被引量:1
5The Law Reform Commission. Domestic Violence[R] (Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra 1986). 被引量:1
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8R. Gelles & L. Loseke. Current Controversies on Family Violence[M] (Sage Publication, 1993). 被引量:1
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10J. Renvoize. Web of Violence: A Study of Violence in the Family[M]. (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1978); G.T. Hotaling & D.B. Sugarman. The Primary Prevention of Wife Assault[A]. in R.T. Ammerman & M. Herson (eds.), Treatment of Family Violence: A Source Book [C].(Jolm Wiley, 1990); and P.B. Sugarman & G.T.Hotaling. Violent Men in Intimate Relationships: An Analysis of Risk Markets[J]. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19 (12), 1034-1048. 被引量:1