Mine Construction Engineering Department of China North-East Coal Corp.has set new records of vertical shaft coastruction. speeds time and again for more than 10 years, such as the highest record of vertical shaft sinking of 187.1m/month in China and completion of constructing vertical shaft of 500 m depth within one year.Main experiences include:——Mine Construction Engineering Deparment is equipped with a set of sinking equipment surtable for rapid vertical shaft construction;——adopt compreheasive measures to contreal water, including grounting to block up water and water flowing and pumping water out to achieve dry sinking under inflow rate of 5 mh;——emply some new technology and high capacity equipment such as longhole blasting technique, mucking by means of high capacity of loading grab, high capacity of sinking bucket and high capacity hoist, large scale formworks for ginging as well;——adop omplex operation procedure with excavating and shaft walling of 5 m per segment, cael temporary supporting;——persist in regular operating cycle and prfessinal sinking team,professional sinking teams insttute continuousy change shift ystem and nn-professional sinking teams- x 8 hour working day;——dopt floating wage system,in Which system ages of worker or staff dependent on every procedure cost, piece wages with awading a ize for high operating rate, sinking rate and every person responsibility,to encourage every worker and staff.
Coal Science and Technology