目的 观察长期服用桔香祛暑和胃茶饼的毒性试验。 方法 实验用大白鼠 ( SD品系 ) ,6~ 7周龄 ,体重 : 10 2± 10 g,♀ 98± 8g,每组 2 0只 ,雌雄各半 ,按正常对照组、桔香祛暑和胃茶饼高剂量组和中剂量组及低剂量组进行灌胃给药 ,每天一次 ,连续 14 d。结果 未见毒性反应。结论
OBJECTIVE To study the chronic toxicity of Juxiang Qushu Huwei Chabing in rats. METHODS SD rats age 6~7 weeks and wight of 102±10g,♀98±8g were divided into 3 group:nonel group, high dose group and low dose group.Each group consiste of 20 rate,half male and other half female.These rats were fed once a dey for 14 days. RESULTS NO toxicity reaction were seen. CONCLUSION There is no chronic toxicity of Juxiang Qushu Huwei Chabing.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal