
用AMD技术和TLC ESI-MS离线联用技术分析四物汤中的糖类成分 被引量:6

Saccharide Analysis of SI-WU-TANG by Automated Multiple Development and Off-line Coupling Thin Layer Chromatography Electrospray lonization Mass Spectrometry Techniques
摘要 目的:对具有补血活性的四物汤提取物C薄层色谱(TLC)中的糖类斑点进行定性分析。方法:用自动多次展开(AMD)方法获得了四物汤提取物C的TLC图谱,用TLC与电喷雾离子化质谱(ESI-MS)离线联用技术对其中4个主要斑点进行分析,并且用AMD技术对其中的单糖进行了分析。结果:4个斑点的构成物质分别主要为单糖、二糖、三糖、四糖,其中单糖主要由葡萄糖和果糖组成。结论:TLC ESI-MS离线联用方法能快速简便地对中药TLC图谱中糖类斑点进行定性。AMD单糖分析方法可实现在普通10 cm硅胶板上8种常见单糖的良好分离,并且展开过程自动化。AMD和TLC ESI-MS离线联用技术对糖类成分分析具有良好的应用价值。 Objective: To make qualitative analysis on saccharide spots in thin layer chromatography (TLC) chromatogram of SI-WU-TANG extract C, which posseses blood-enrichment activity. Method: TLC chromatogram of SI-WU-TANG extract C was obtained by using Automated Multiple Development (AMD) method. 4 major spots in the chromatogram were analyzed by off-line coupling TLC electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) technique. Moreover,composition of monosaccharides in the fraction was analyzed by AMD technique. Result: Main constituents of substances from the 4 spots were monosaccharide.disaccharide, trisaccharide and tetrasaccharide respectively. Monosaccharide was mainly composed of fructose and glucose. Conclusion: Off-line coupling TLC ESI-MS can simply and rapidly provide qualitative examination of saccharide spots in TLC chromatogram of Traditional Chinese Medicine. AMD method can make good separation of 8 frequently-observed monosaccharides in a regular 10 cm silica gel plate, the process of which was automated, AMD and off-line coupling TLC ESI-MS techniques show good value in saccharides analy-
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期632-635,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家自然科学基金(30271617 30070913) 军队"十五"重点项目(01Z019) 北京市"二四八"重大创新工程项目(H010210220113)
关键词 四物汤 自动多次展开法 电喷雾离子化质谱 薄层色谱 糖类 SI-WU-TANG saccharide thin layer chromatography multiple development mass spectrometry offline coupling
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