上 (陵 )埔 (前 )高速公路沿线黏性土滑坡产生的内因主要是土体抗软化能力差 ,且处于侵蚀作用较强烈的微地貌环境中 ,诱发因素主要是降雨强度较大、不利的地下水动力条件和人为破坏坡体结构。岩层滑坡主要是受不利的结构面组合所控制。经评估 ,沿线滑坡目前处于不稳定—基本稳定状态。
The poor ability of soil mass to resist intenerating and the micro geomorphology with heavy erosion are the primary causes for landslides in the clayish soil layers along the speedway from Shangling to Puqian. Rainfall, disadvantage hydrological condition and the structure destroyed by human's activities are the major trigger factors. The transportation landslides were controlled mainly by inter layer shear zones. According to the careful researching, authors found that landslides along the speedway fall in between just stability and instability.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation