分别取海水养殖的南美白对虾 (海养虾 )和淡水养殖的南美白对虾 (淡养虾 )的肌肉2~ 3g、肝胰腺 1 g,采用 Folch液提取脂肪 ,用气相色谱法 (GC法 )分析测定脂肪的含量和组成。结果表明 :海养虾肌肉含脂肪 3.93% ,比淡养虾肌肉含脂量 2 .79%高 ;海养虾肝胰腺含脂量 1 2 .2 3% ,略低于淡养虾的 1 2 .98%。淡养雄虾的肝胰腺脂肪含量比雌虾高 ,但其肌肉含脂率比雌虾低。在已检测出的脂肪酸中 ,不饱和脂肪酸占大多数 ,而且不饱和多烯酸的含量明显高于不饱和单烯酸 (P <0 .0 1 )。海养虾和淡养虾肌肉脂肪酸含量在 C1 4 :0 ,C1 8:2 n6,C1 8:3 n3 上有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5) ;肝胰腺脂肪酸含量在 C1 8:2 n6,C1 8:3 n3 ,C2 0 :4n6上有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5)。南美白对虾与中国对虾、斑节对虾 (肝 )、日本对虾 (肝 )的主要脂肪酸含量在 C1 6:0 ,C1 8:0 ,C1 8:1 n9,C1 8:2 n6,C1 8:3 n3 和 C2 0 :4n6上有较大差别。
One gram of hepatopancreas and 2~3 gram of muscle were sampled from Penaeus vannamei which were respectively cultured in the seawater and the freshwater.The lipid was extracted by 'Floch',and analyzed by gas chromatography.The results indicated that the lipid content in the muscle of the marine larvae is 3.93%,and 2.79% higher than that of the freshwater larvae.The lipid content of hepatopancreas of the marine larvae is 12.23%,and 12.98% lower than that of the freshwater larvae.The lipid content of the hepatopancreas of the males is higher than that of the females in the freshwater,but their lipid content in the muscle is lower than the females.Among the fatty acids found,most of them are unsaturated acids,and the polyunsaturated fatty acids are significantly more than monounsaturated ones(P<0.01).There is a significant differences of lipid contents in the muscle between the marine larvae and the freshwater larvae in C 14:0,C 18:2n6,C 18:3n3,C 22:5n3,and also significantly differences of lipid content in the hepatopancreas between them in C 18:2n6,C 18:3n3,C 20:5n3 and EPA+DHA.Penaeus vannamei differs from Penaeus chinesis,Penaeus monodon and Penacus japonics in the content of fatty acids in C 16:0,C 18:0,C 18:1n9,C 18:2n6,C 18:3n3 and C 20:4n6.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences