In terms of methodology,religious literature can be regarded in a threedimensional relation — religion and/in/as literature. This article intends to combine these three types of relations to discuss it in the context of traditional Chinese religion,where especially in Taoism the ritual of'redressing injustices'is based on the religious doctrine and forms the narrative structure of numerous novels interacting with it in a subtle way. I take as an example the vengeance in the late Ming novel Complete Biography of the Loyal Junior Guardian Yu by Sun Gaoliang,whose main protagonist is the famous Ming dynasty official Yu Qian(1398-1457) to explore the dramatic turns in his life from the incurrence of injustice to its revealing and redressing. As this story involves the important issue of human relationships and principles,a lot of versions of it appeared as soon as it was published,subsequently abridged and elaborated,it circulated widely in the Qing dynasty. This is not simply a matter of different versions but a question of people recognizing its subtle meaning.The consciousness behind incurring injustices dates far back in time,the stories from the Six Dynasties and the Tang dynasty already mention it,where the response for'injustice'became an important subject-matter in the narrative genre. The late Ming author uses it to confront contemporary issues writing a novel as a historical biography. Between each period? the differences in the representation of injustice. The paper addresses these questions from multiple perspectives taking religion as a starting point and using the idea of incurring injustice to explore the connections between this idea and social ethics,the fate of the state and the implementation of heavenly justice. It also investigates the possibility of redressing injustices,proving the narrative esthetics charged with a sense of religion.Observing the narrative structure from the point of view of redressing injustices,I find out that almost two thirds of the plot is about 'incurring injustice'. T
LIU Yuanju;Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy,'Academia Sinica'
Yu Qian
biographical novel
religious literature
litigate injustices
revenge injustices
redress injustices