通过对城市交叉口的路口环境及车流到达、排队、跟驶、冲突、拐弯、驶离等各种运行状态的分析 ,建立城市交叉口路口形状、信号控制方法及车辆各种运行规律的数学模型 ,并基于此模型对仿真系统进行开发。通过把某一实际路口的仿真结果与该路口的交通调查结果进行对比 ,证明此系统真实可信。
By analyzing junction environment states such as arrival,queuing,trace, conflict, turning, departing and so forth at signal junction,the paper sets up the mathematical model of junction shape, junction control method and various operation pattern of signal junction and introduces the basic programming frame of traffic flow simulation system. Finally, in order to prove the system true and believable,comparison between simulation results of a real junction and traffic investigation results at the junction is done by author.As one of the research direction of ITS,the system provides the departments of traffic management with a tool of assistant decision.
Transportation Science & Technology