山羊痘于 2 0 0 2年 1 0月在贵州省首次流行并被确诊。本次疫病以皮肤、呼吸道及消化道粘膜发生痘疹为主要特征 ;取病料经绒毛尿囊膜接种鸡胚传代 ,F2 绒毛尿囊膜明显增厚 ,在接种部位形成明显的痘斑。经病理组织学检查 ,患病皮肤在光学显微镜下可见细胞浆内出现嗜酸性包涵体。电子显微镜观察到典型的痘病毒粒子 ,细菌学检查阴性。为此 。
Goat pox was firstly diagnosed in Guizhou province in Oct.2002.This disease was mainly characterized with poxes occurred in skin?mucous membrane of respiratory and digestive tracts.The affected material was inoculated into embryos by chorioallantoic membrane(CAM).On the second passage(F 2),the CAM became markedly thick and manifested pox plaque in the injected place.The acidophilic inclusion bodies were histopathologically detected in cytoplasm of skin section under light microscope.The typical virus particles were observed partcles under electronic microscope and the bacteriological examination was negative in this experiment.The disease was definitely diagnosed as goat pox.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine
20 0 3年贵州省科委年度攻关项目 (黔科合农社字<2 0 NGY>0 0 7号 )