2 0世纪 70年代末 ,美国等发达国家首次对盐酸克伦特罗 ( CL B)开发研究 ,80年代被广泛应用到畜禽生产中。 CL B作为饲料添加剂应用于养殖业在许多省市相当普遍 ,造成动物体内的残留量相当严重 ,并相继发生了食用含CL B猪肉或内脏引起中毒的事例。人食用了残留有 CL B的畜产品对健康造成严重的危害。文章对 CL B理化特性和对人畜的危害性 ,以及应用高效液相、气相色谱法以及电泳和免疫技术对 CL
In the end of 70′s of the 20th century, the developed countries such as American had researched clenbuterol (CLB),and then in 80′s it was applied extensively in the production of domestic animals and poultry.People who ingested the animal products containing clenbuterol would appear serious health problems.This paper generally stated its physicochemical property and harm to persons and domestic animals,as well as the detection method of GC-MS,HPLC,electrophoresis and immunity technology.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine