目的 :探讨慢阻肺疾病 (COPD)早期干预问题。方法 :对过去 10年有肺功能测定记录的 713例COPD患者进行回顾性研究 ,所有肺功能测定结果按中华呼吸学会COPD诊断分级标准及传统肺功能不全分级标准分为轻、中、重 3组 ,并对所得数据进行统计学处理。结果 :轻度COPD患者共 114例 ,占总样本的 15 .9% ,中度 2 0 0例占 2 8% ,重度 399例占 5 5 .9%。结论 :轻度COPD患者早期干预的比率极低 ,这对COPD的防治十分不利 ,应当把早期干预的重点放在轻、中度COPD患者群中 ,以减少重度COPD患者群。
Objective: To study the early intervention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: 713 COPD patients, with pulmonary function test recorded during the past 10 years, divided into 3 groups with mild, moderate, and severe degree based on both the staging criteria of COPD in Chinese Medical Association and that of the traditional pulmonary function insufficiency, were studied retrospectively. The data were analyzed statistically. Results: There were 114 cases of mild COPD, 200 cases of moderate COPD and 399 cases of severe COPD, occupying 15.9 %, 28 % and 55.9 % of the total samples respectively. Conclusion: The proportion of mild degree COPD patients that received management was very low, which was not beneficial to the prevention and therapy of COPD. The emphasis of early intervention should put on the patients with mild or moderate so as to reduce the occurrence of severe COPD.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
early intervention
hygiene education