试车台实验控制软件用于发动机测力实验过程中对攻角的控制、天平及角度传感器数据的记录、并实现与总控系统的数据应答。软件的设计过程通过使用Lab VIEW的G#扩展,使得Lab VIEW中的对象能够以引用的方式传递,相对于按值传递的方式而言扩大了对象的共享范围,使得软件编写的灵活性增加。G#扩展支持了基于接口的面向对象方法,使得诸多的设计模式得以顺利的应用到Lab VIEW的编程当中。该软件最后通过采用面向对象的分析、设计方法,并采用Lab VIEW图形化编程平台,实现了一个可靠、灵活的测控软件。
The software for controlling Test Bed which has three basic tasks: control attack angle, record the data of balance and angle sensor, and communicate to general control system. With G# extension Lab VIEW object can be shared by reference, that is used to extend the sharing range and flexibility of using the Lab VIEW object. G# extended the Object-Oriented Interface to Lab VIEW, thus a lot of Design Pattern can be used easily in Lab VIEW programming. The software was analyzed and designed in Object-Oriented way. The software was implemented reliably and flexibly by the graphic programming platform of Lab VIEW.