分析了实验室法、现场测试法、裂隙采样测量法和反演法确定裂隙岩体渗透张量的优缺点。提出了用单孔压水试验修正裂隙采样测量裂隙岩体渗透张量的确定方法 ,并采用该方法对某大型磁铁矿边坡进行了岩体渗透张量的测定。试验表明 ,该方法能较好刻画裂隙岩体渗透特性的各向异性 。
Based on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of using laboratory method, field survey method, fissure sample measuring method and inversion method to determine the permeability tensor of fractured rock mass, it was proposed to use single hole pump in test to modify the tensor obtained by fissure sample measurement method. The proposed method was then used in determining the permeability tensor of rockmass of the slope of a large magnetite mine. The test indicates that this method can better depict the anisotropism of permeability characteristic of fractured rock mass and eliminate the effect of non penetrance of fissure and fills and the effect of the size of pump in test.
Metal Mine
国家"十五"科技攻关项目 (编号:2 0 0 1BA60 9A -0 8)