It is the key point and one of the most difficult problem in the construction of VAT system how to levy VAT on the financial and insurance services. In the VAT reform in China converted from the business tax the financial and insurance services are subject to VAT from 1st May 2016. The rules about how to levy VAT on the financial and insurance services are dispersed on the regulations prescribed by the MOF and SAT and they are simple and rough. Under the rules although the core domain of the financial and insurance services can be determined,there is the twilight zone around the core domain where the supplement of the services are distributed which are not clear whether they may be attributed to the financial and insurance services. And it is not clear how to determine the tax treatment of the services even they may be regarded as the financial services. More importantly, the chain of the VAT credit is still broken for the tax credit is not allowed for the receiver of most financial and insurance services,including the loan service,the insurance and the transfer of the financial products. Therefore,it is the beginning to construct VAT rules on financial and insurance services and it is necessary to promulgate more clear and specific rules on how to levy VAT on such services. In order to realize the VAT neutrality, it is significant to allow the tax credit for the business when it receives the financial or insurance services.
Renmin University Law Review
Financial and insurance services
"VAT reform"
Tax incredit