依据野外调查结果和有关文献资料 ,运用统计和比较的方法 ,对滇西北地区野生花卉的多样性进行了研究。结果表明 ,滇西北野生花卉有 83科 32 4属 2 2 0 6种。其中草本花卉 14 6 3种 ,木本花卉 74 3种 ,滇西北特有野生花卉 75 1种 ,珍稀濒危花卉 35种。本文对滇西北地区野生花卉植物的种类、分布、观赏类型、花色、花期、受威胁状况以及特有现象进行了详细地统计分析。发现滇西北地区花卉植物的丰富度依次为丽江、中甸、贡山、德钦、维西、鹤庆、福贡、洱源、大理、兰坪。从垂直分布上看 ,海拔 2 4 0 0~ 30 0 0m以及海拔 35 0 0m以上的地段花卉植物较为丰富 ,且特有和珍稀濒危野生花卉植物也较多地集中在这两个地段。按花色紫蓝、橙黄、红、白四大类型分类 ,则以紫蓝花种类最为丰富 (约 4 0 0种 )、橙黄花次之(约 2 30种 )、红花较少 (约 170种 )、白花最少 (约 14 0种 )。
The wild flower biodiversity of NW Yunnan was studied based on our field investigation results combined with analyzing of literature data.The research results indicated that Northwest Yunnan is rich in wild flower resources.The total numbers of wild flower in NW Yunnan are 38 families,324 genera and 2206 species with 1463 species of herbaceous plants,743 species of woody plants,751 endemic species and 35 species of rare and endangered species.The distribution patterns,ornamental value,types of flower colors,flowering time,endemic phenomenon and threatened status of the wild flower in NW Yunnan were analyzed.The results indicated that the richness of the wild flower species in NW Yunnan are Lijiang,Zhongdian,Gongshan,Deqin,Weixi,Heqing,Fugong,Eryuan,Dali and Lanping successively.From the vertical distribution point of view, the main distribution areas of wild flowers in NW Yunnan are concentrated in the areas at the altitude of 2 400-3 000?m and the areas above 3 500?m.The type of flower colors can be roughly divided into four types of blue, yellow, red and white.There are 400 species with purple-blue flower,230 species with orange-yellow flowers,170 species with red flower and 140 species with white flowers.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 (2 0 0 0C0 0 70M
2 0 0 1C0 0 10Z)