通过测定20个化学因子,利用平均值、变异系数和差异显著性检验,分析研究了中国3种水生水韭属植物中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis)、云贵水韭(I.yunguiensis)和高寒水韭(I.hypsophila)自然居群水体化学性质的特征和差异性。结果显示:这3种水韭属植物生活水体的20个化学因子整体上表现出Ni含量占绝对优势、电导率较低、受干扰较小的共同特征;虽然平均值和变异系数变化较大,但除了pH、P、NO_3-N、NO_3^-和Al具有显著性差异以外,其余各因子在3个种的生活水体间相对稳定不具显著性差异。结合其它的研究结果分析表明:这3种水韭属植物自然居群水体化学性质的差异可能源于这3种水韭属植物生理特征的差异性,对3种水韭属植物的分布不具选择差异性。
Habitat preference has played an important role in the evolution of the genus Isoetes. Aquatic Isoetes species are generally distributed in oligotrophic softwater. However, it is still uncertain if chemical properties of the water have an impact on the pattern of distribution of Isoetes species. Investigation of habitat preference with regard to water chemistry in natural habitats of species would contribute significance to our understanding of evolution in the genus.
Four species of Isoetes are known to occur in China: Isoetes taiwanensis in Taiwan island and /. hyp-sophila, I. yunguiensis and I. sinensis in the mainland, and their distribution regions do not overlap. All four species are endangered aquatic plants throughout their distribution range in the country.
In this paper, 20 parameters of water chemistry in the natural habitats, of three species of Isoetes in China's Mainland were measured, using HANNA Pocket-sized pH Meter HI98107 (resolution = 0.1 pH, accuracy = ±0. 1 pH), HANNA Conductivity Meter Dist4/HI983004 (resolution = 0. 1 m S · cm-1, accuracy = ±0.1 m S·cm-1) and HANNA C200 Multiparameter Ion Specific Photometer (resolution of NO3-N, NO3- , P, Mn and Mo =0.1mg·L-1, accuracy = ±0.1 mg·L-1; resolution of other factors = 0.01 mg·L-1, accuracy = ±0.01 mg· L-1 ). The character and variation of the chemical properties of the water were analyzed using mean, coefficient variability and difference significance tests (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis).
Results showed a common character in that there were bigger variations in average and coefficient variability of the 20 parameters. Average Ni was overwhelmingly greater than the other factors, and lower conductivity indicated there was litter pollution in the water. However, of the 20 factors assessed, except for pH (p < 0.05), P (p < 0.05), NO3-N (p < 0.05) , NO3- (p < 0.05) and Al (p < 0.01) , the rest displayed no significant difference among habitats of the three species. This indicated that most of the factors (75% )
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology