
“当代世界经济与政治”课教学要突出“四性” 被引量:2

Four Characteristics in Teaching the Contemporary World Economy and Politics
摘要 为了加强“当代世界经济与政治”课程理论的建设,在教学实践中不断深入课程的内容、结构和特点的研究,并注意突出课程教学的理论性、现实性、趣味性和思想性,以更好地提高教学质量和效果,培养学生综合分析问题的能力,增强学生民族自豪感和对社会主义的信心。 To improve the theory about the course of the Contemporary World Economy and Politics, we should strengthen the study of the content, the structure and the traits, and focus on the theories, the inter-esting feature of content, and the ideological Ievel in the teaching, 餺 that we can improve the quality and the effects of the teaching, develop the students' ability to analyze problems synthetically, and enhance their pride of the Chinese nation and their confidence in socialism.
作者 王慧英
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 2003年第4期98-100,共3页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
关键词 当代世界经济与政治 课程建设 教学改革 课堂效果 Contemporary World Economy and Politics course design teaching reform teaching effect
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