目的 探讨应用阴茎、阴囊皮瓣做皮条或带蒂尿管治疗尿道下裂。方法 52例采用阴茎皮瓣、51例采用阴囊带蒂皮瓣做成尿管埋藏于阴茎筋膜下,直达龟头顶部,做成新的尿道,恢复正常生理功能。结果 采用阴茎、阴囊皮肤做成皮条或带蒂尿管治疗尿道下裂,其有效率分别为46.2%和88.2%,带蒂皮管法是一种比较理想的手术方式。
AIM To investigate the efficacy of the modified peniad or scrotal skin flip flap or tube urethroplasly to repair various types of hypospadias. METHOD Urethroplasty was performed in 52 cases using peniad skin flip flap (PSFF), 51 cases using scrotal skin flip tube (SSFT) at a properly located meatus. RESULTS The successful rate of operation using PSFF and SSFT were 46.16% and 88.23% respectively. CONCLUSION Repairing hyigoe spaotios using the skin flip tube is a better choice for treating hyigoe spaotios.
Journal of Modern Urology