目的 以小鼠为研究模型 ,探讨MII期卵母细胞冷冻后纺锤体和染色体改变的有效观察方法。研究OPS玻璃化冻存成熟卵的可行性。 方法 运用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜 (LSCM)的光学切片和三维图像重建技术 ,系统研究了OPS玻璃化冷冻对小鼠MII期卵纺锤体和染色体的影响。 结果 冷冻组卵复苏后存活率达 5 8% ,纺锤体和染色体形态正常率分别为 46%和 5 2 % ,与对照组 ( 76%和 70 % )相比 ,差异具显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。暴露组卵纺锤体和染色体结构正常率较对照组略有下降 ,但无统计学差异。 结论 LSCM能够清晰有效地观察冷冻对卵母细胞纺锤体和染色体影响。
Objective This study is designed to find an effective method of observing the influence of vitrification on mature (MII) stage oocytes using the mouse as a model Methods Laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) was used to examine the influence of vitrification on oocytes, especially on meiotic spindle and chromosome by the technologies of optical section and 3D image reconstruction Results The survival rate of vitrified oocytes was 88% The normal morphology rates of meiotic spindle and chromosome in vitrified group were 46% and 52% respectively There was significantly difference between vitrified and fresh oocytes (76% and 70% respectively) (P<0 05) When the oocytes were exposed to cryoprotectants, the normal pattern rates of spindle and chromosome were slightly lower than that in control ,but there was no statistically difference between them (P>0 05) Conclusion The LSCM is an effective instrument to observe the vitrified oocytes The test also illustrated that the OPS vitrification of oocytes was feasible
China Tropical Medicine