民歌是一种重要的民族音乐体裁 ,它反映了一个民族的历史、经济、文化、风俗、自然环境、精神风貌和性格特征 ,是一个民族生存和发展的真实写照。民歌是集体智慧的结晶 ,而不是个人的创作。近年来 ,许多音乐爱好者甚至音乐工作者对民歌产生了一些错误认识 ,主要表现在误认为具有民族风味的和用民族唱法演唱的歌曲就是民歌。判断一首歌曲是不是民歌 ,关键是要看这首歌曲是不是符合民歌的 3个基本特征。
Folk songs,as an important style of folk music,show a nation's history,economy,culture,customs,environment,features and charicteristics,and a mirror of the existence and development of a nation.Folk songs are made by community,not an individual. In recent years,some music fans,even some music men had a wrong idea about the folk song,they wrongly thought that a folk song was a song which had folk style or sung by folk singers. The key to judge a folk song is to see whether it meets the three basic requirements.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College