系统的试验了五类含硫化合物对工业废固中 Pd的捕收性能。通过浮选性能试验 ,找出了从工业废固中提取 Pd的最佳捕收剂次甲基二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸酯。它可将工业废固中 Pd由 1 0 g· t- 1提高到钯精矿中的 2 4 4 0 g· t- 1以上 ,富集比高达 2 4 4 .5。为工业开发应用打通了道路 。
A systematic test of collecting Pd from industry waste solid was carried out with five types of chemicals. It was found by flotation tests that methyl bis(diethylenedithiocarbamate) was the best collection reagent which could beneficiate Pd from about 10 g·t -1 in industry waste solid to 2 440 g·t -1 , i.e. the enrichment ratio was as high as 244.5 times. Pd could be successfully extracted from waste ores by extraction flotation method. This method can be widely applied in industry, and supply an approach for sufficiently utilizing mineral resources in our country.
Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition