从数字校园系统的建设着手,给出了基于VR的数字校园系统的结构,探讨了基于虚拟实景技术(2DVR)和虚拟虚景技术(3D VR)开发数字校园系统的新模式及关键技术和整体开发方案,采用IBMR、3D Stu-dio Max和Viewpoint作为开发平台构建了数字浙江师大系统,并对系统的体系结构、数据库建设、功能设计及具体实现作了较详细的探讨,给出了相应的技术实现方案,
This paper,starting from the construction of digital campus network, put forward a system structure for the VR-based network, and probed into a new modei, key technology and overall devel-opment scheme of the digital campus network based on the 2D-VR and 3D-VR technologies. It pro-posed the construction of a digital ZJNU network by employing IBMR, 3D Studio Max and Viewpoint as its development platform. The paper also elaborated on the system structure,database construction, functional designing and actualization of the netvvork. Finally,it provided technological schemes con-cerning the actualization of the network.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Natural Sciences