

Commendable Exploration,Deep Lesson——Reflections on Mao Zedong's Exploration of Socialist Modernization Road
摘要 实现现代化是鸦片战争以来中国历史进程中悲壮的主题。但直到毛泽东时代才真正开启了中国现代化的先河。毛泽东是一位以振兴中华民族为己任的杰出民族英雄。他穷尽一身 ,苦苦探索中华民族摆脱贫穷落后 ,赶上世界发达国家的途径。今天追寻伟人探索中国现代化道路的艰难历程 ,总结其中积累的经验教训 。 Realizing Modernization is a solemn and stirring theme in the course of Chinese history since the First Opium War.Mao Zedong is a pioneer of China's modernization,and an outstanding hero who regards reenergizing the Chinese nation as his own responsibility.He kept exploring strenuously ways that the Chinese nation gets rid of poverty and backwardness and catches up with the developed countries of the world all his life.It will be very helpful to our current socialist modernizative drive to research the arduous process and to summarize the experiences and lessons of exploring China's modernization road.
作者 卞玲霞
出处 《沙洋师范高等专科学校学报》 2003年第4期24-26,共3页 Journal of Shayang Teachers College
关键词 现代化 “一五”计划 工业化道路 社会主义 modernization first five-year plan industrialized road socialism
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