Although it is difficult to absolutely tell the skill and the art of oil painting apart, for they are a unified entity, the two problems of the skill and the art can be approached separately in the teaching of oil painting. In the aspect of the skill, the pattern of classicality,impressionism、and the Soviet should be taught at the same time in order to let the students get onto the right track of the systematization and the standardization. Again in the aspect of the art, it is nature is to bring forth now ideas. What a teacher should do is to control and regulate the weight of the skill and the art according to each individual and the occasion, neither to stifle the art creation with the skill, perfection, nor to cover up the crudity and the lack of the skill on the excuse of the art characteristics. A teacher should not only stress the skill boldly but initiate the art leniently as well, however, the highly combination of the skill and the art is the developing orientation in the teaching of oil painting in China Art College.
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