目的 探讨后囊连续环形撕囊术在儿童白内障手术临床应用的价值。方法 在儿童白内障手术中采用后囊连续环形撕囊40例52眼,随访观察10~30月。结果 术后视力在0.8以上者12眼占23.1%,0.4~0.7者22眼占42.3%,0.1~0.3者10眼占19.2%,0.1以下8眼占15.4%。术中并发症主要有玻璃体脱出12眼占23.1%,术后并发症主要有前房渗出及瞳孔机化膜形成18眼占34.6%。全部病例周边后囊均有不同程度浑浊,但视轴区清晰。未出现人工晶状体移位或角膜水肿等严重并发症。结论 后囊连续环形撕囊术是降低儿童的白内障手术后后囊浑浊的一种安全、简便而有效的方法。
Objective To study the application of posterior continuous curvilinear capsulotomy in pediatric cataract operation. Methods Posterior continuous curvilinear capsulotomy was used in 52 eyes (40 patients) of pediatric cataract operation. The postoperative follow-up time was 10-30 months.Results Of the 52 eyes, 12(23% ) had a final visual acuity of 0.8 or better,22(42.3%) between 0.4-0.7 and 10(19.2%) between 0.1-0.3 and 8(15.4%) was 0.1 or below.Main operative complication was vitreous prolapse. Main postoperative complications were aqueous flare and newly formed fibrous membrane of pupil in 18 eyes(34.6%). All cases had periphery posterior capsular turbid in different degree. But the axis of eye was clear. There was no intraocular lens migration and comeal edema. Conclusion Posterior continuous curvilinear capsulotomy is safe and effective to reduce posterior capsule opacification in child.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries