目的 探讨上颌骨骨折合并泪道损伤的手术方法,提高治疗效果。方法 对上颌骨骨折合并泪道损伤的病例,及时行上颌骨骨折的复位固定,对泪道充血、积血、炎症者早期应用抗生素滴眼、冲洗泪道、泪道置管等;对泪小管断裂者在显微镜下行泪小管吻合术,鼻泪管断裂者行鼻腔泪囊吻合术。结果 24例随访半年治愈21例,好转1例,共占91.67%。结论 复合性泪道损伤及时进行骨折复位及泪道修复手术,可获比较满意的效果。
Objective To investigate effective surgical methods for maxillary fracture combined with lacrimal duct damage. Methods For patients with maxillary factrue combined with lacrimal damage, besides in time fracture repair, lacrimal duct damage was treated at the same time. Antibiotic eye drops, lacrimal duct irrigation, stent procedure were used to lacrimal duct congestion, hemorrhage, inflammation. Canalicular cut was treated by anastomosis under microscope and dacryocystrohinostomy was done for nasolacrimal duct damage. Results After half year of treatment, 21 of 24 patients were cured and 1 patient with improved. Conclu- sion In time bone fracture and lacrimal duct damage repair can get satisfied results for patients with complex lacrimal duct trauma.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries