目的 探讨B型超声显像仪在眼外伤中的临床应用价值。方法 通过对628例(628眼)眼外伤的B型超声显像诊断,分析眼外伤的B型超声图像特征,并与临床资料对比。结果 628例眼外伤,B超诊断为:角膜穿孔伤16例,前房积血42例,晶状体脱位12例,外伤性白内障56例,玻璃体积血浑浊182例,视网膜脱离63例,脉络膜嵌顿12例,眼内异物31例,角巩膜破裂伤58例,眼内炎伴眼球萎缩63例,眼眶爆裂性骨折18例,复合伤71例,此外,角膜裂伤漏诊4例,诊断符合率99.4%。结论 对眼外伤患者,超声检查无创伤、无痛苦,能及时准确作出诊断,为临床治疗提供可靠依据。
Objective To investigate the: clinical value of ultrasonic imaging in ocular trauma. Methods The ultrasonic B images of 628 cases with ocular injury were analized and compared with their clinical data. Results In the 628 cases of ocular trauma examined by the ultrasonic B imaging, there are following types: 16 cases of cornea perforation(2.5%) ,42 cases of hyphema(6.7% ) ,12 cases of the lens(1 .9% ) ,56 cases of traumatic cataract(8.9% ), 182 case of vitreous opacities(29% ) ,63 cases of retinal detachment( 10% ), 12 case of excavation( 1.9% ) ,31 case of intraocular foreing body (4. 9%), 58 cases of cornea nad sclera brokening (9.2%),63 cases of eyeball atrophy (10% ), 18 cases of breaking fracture of orbit (2. 9%) ,71 cases of compounding injury (11% ). In the above-mentioned clinical dignosises, the corresponding rate is 99.4%. Conclusion Ultrasonic examination is a no invasive, painless method, which could in time and accurately dignose the disease and support data for the clinical treatment.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries