目的 调查上海市孕妇对分娩镇痛的认知程度。方法 在产科门诊,随机选择100例孕妇,参加分娩镇痛产前问卷的调查;在产房随机选择100例分娩镇痛后的产妇,参加分娩镇痛产后问卷的调查,其中90例产妇选用自控硬膜外镇痛,用药为0.1%罗比卡因+0.002%芬太尼;10例产妇选用50%笑气(氧化亚氮)+50%氧气吸入分娩镇痛。结果 分娩镇痛前,98%的产妇认为分娩肯定会痛;42%的产妇对产痛感到紧张、恐惧;有90%的产妇对分娩镇痛的知识不了解,有63%的产妇不清楚分娩镇痛会对胎儿及新生儿带来什么影响,甚至有14%的产妇担心分娩镇痛会对胎儿有不良影响。分娩镇痛后,99%的产妇对镇痛的效果表示满意;100%的产妇认为分娩镇痛工作是必要的;20%的产妇对新生儿有顾虑。结论 加强分娩镇痛的宣传教育工作是非常必要的,同时也应该认识到分娩镇痛工作是生殖健康的重要组成部分。
Objective To survey the cognition of women to labor analgesia in Shanghai.Methods One hundred randomized pregnant women filled in the questionnaires at obstetric outpatient department in our hospital.One hundred women took part in the survey after labor at maternity ward,ninety of whom underwent patient-controlled epidural analgesia with 0.1% ropivacaine plus 0.002% fentanyl,and the rest 10 inhaled 50% nitrous oxide mixed with 50% oxygen.Results Before labor analgesia,98% pregnant women thought that the labor was painful;42% were nervous and frightened about the labor pain;90% knew nothing about labor analgesia;63% had no idea about the influences of labor analgesia on infants;and 14% worried that analgesia would have side effects on infants.After labor analgesia,99% women were satisfied with its pain relief effect;100% considered that labor analgesia was necessary;and 20% worried about their newborn babies.Conclusion It is necessary to popularize the knowledge about labor analgesia,which is an important part of work on labor health.
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners